
By Sizwe
2020HeritageDay picture

The 2020 Heritage Day that normally takes place every year on the 24th of September was attributed to the theme of the “Restoration of our Heritage Resources”. The Guest Speakers amongst those who delivered some inspirational words of wisdom had imparted valuables lessons to the well attended Event by local Religious leaders, including Archbishop N.Ngesi and Pastor B.Geelbooi; and Political leaders coming from different Parties, the Mayor Cllr. M.Mpahlwa; Cllr. B.Jackson; Cllr. X.Madyo and also representing the Community Engagements Groups, was Prof. Cimi and Makhanda Rastafarian Legends. This was one the most important days in the South African calendar of which every Citizen is encourage to do their best in all corners where we find ourselves in. It is important that the elders are able to tell their valuable stories to the Young generation in time. Hence, the King Lobengula Foundation is bringing together all Stakeholders to fight against Corruption that has been perpetuated by Government Officials till today without being prosecuted for their crimes. These Corrupt individual/s who are intent on standing in front of those who want to work for the betterment of this City. It is time that our Elders give the Youth the true lessons about their history  and heritage, for the Young generation to be equipped with Tangible Resources to create a better future. The KLF with the Stakeholders will continue to Support the #HeritageResourcesRegeneration_CleanUp Campaign which is aimed at Cleaning Up of our Heritage Assets that don’t get the attention of the Local Municipality such as those of the Lobengula Graves; the WWII Cemetery at the Old Queen Victoria Cemetery and Mt.Zion in Makana’s Kop. We our Vision is to Create better living Spaces by creating sustainable methods, such as cleaning; beautifying; creating Job and Business Opportunities and lastly attracting Tourism and subsequently promoting GreenTourism and the Hospitality Industry. Those interested to Volunteer Or Donate their Resources, the door is opened to everybody who is interested to work for the Development of Arts and Culture which includes Reading and Story-telling; the Promotion of GreenTourism, that is also part of Environment Awareness; and Community Development. 

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