#Peace&Unity Campaign working together...for a better future

#Peace&Unity Campaign working together...for a better future picture

#Peace&Unity Campaign will continue to make a difference in the lives of the People of Kwa-Ndancama [Lost hope] as we strive to bring collaboration with international Institutions to learn and understand the impact of Arts and Theatre in the Young minds in the Township. The joint cooperation between Dr. Bryan and Sarah Schmidt of the University of Minneapolis in the USA and King Lobengula Foundation based in Makhanda [Grahamstown], Eastern Cape will help the Young to enjoy the Exchange Programme that will allow them to be based in different Countries. This will also allow the local Academic Institutions to work with the Foundation and other Organisation to give assistance and manpower to make this Programme a success, and subsequently immerge relationships between diverse Cultures and Races in our Country. The impact of Colonisation in our Country has continued to create attitudes or behaviour patterns that are improper towards our fellow Brother's and Sister's, regardless of the Country of Origin or Race or Gender, hence we should continue to plant the seeds of Unity and Peace through collateral and open platforms. The recently graduated  PhD's couple from the Minneapolis University recently visited Makhanda to conduct Research on Arts and Theatre in the Township and how it can be improved to benefit both the Young Children and the Community.

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